根据泰达币(Tether)的数据,波场(Tron)曾是转账泰达币(USDt)成本最低的区块链网络,但在 2024 年末,其泰达币的 Gas 费用飙升至 9 美元以上。
Fees News
Cryptocurrency fees can be defined as money (usually in the form of one of the virtual currencies) that is paid as a on top of a transaction. The most common way to charge a fee is by taking a commission, i.e. some percentage from the amount of the transferred money. At the moment, a lot of transactions can be completed without any cryptocurrency fees unless the transaction includes a large amount of data. As miners function as the handler of transactions, they also receive commissions since each new block of the blockchain consists of their operations and, for example, a fee from Bitcoin as well. It is optional to require a commission, but any user that has found a block can include fees by their own choice. In the future, when the rewards for creating a new block will be reduced, miners will get most of their profit directly from the fees.
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- 市场分析
以太坊的总锁定价值攀升至自 2022 年以来未曾达到过的水平。以太坊(ETH)的价格会从这一活跃度的提升中受益吗?
- 市场分析
随着索拉纳(Solana)网络的链上活动减少,索拉纳(SOL)价格跌至 200 美元以下,但投资者对现货 SOL 交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)的预期可能会促使其价格回升。
- 市场分析
由于以太坊基金会的领导层争议和 Solana 去中心化应用(DApp)市场份额的扩展,以太坊价格上涨势头放缓。
- 采访
由于预计未来几个月区块链活动将蓬勃发展,天然气费用也将上涨,StarkWare 希望降低本已低廉的费用。
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- 新闻
L2扩展解决方案Synthetix与Curve Finance合作,为sETH/ETH、sBTC/BTC和sUSD/3CRV创建Curve池,允许投资者将合成资产转换为代币。
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数据还显示,以太坊的平均gas价格自年初以来一直在迅速下跌,从1月10日的218 Gwei跌至3月9日的40.82 Gwei。
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佛罗里达州州长Ron DeSantis提议拨款7.5亿美元,以实现“加密友好的佛罗里达州”。
- Altcoin Watch
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