United Kingdom News

There are no strict regulations on Bitcoin in UK. Bitcoin has no established legal status but is commonly treated as a foreign currency for most purposes, including value-added and goods-and-service taxes. Cryptocurrencies profits and losses are subject to capital gains tax. However, the UK government is planning on implementing some legal procedures in the cryptocurrency market. Their primary goal is to require UK Bitcoin exchanges to conduct due diligence in relation to customers and include cryptocurrency platforms in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing policies. The UK has issued a warning about the risks of investing in ICOs and cryptocurrencies, though it has yet to establish any direct rules concerning it. Still, it was stated multiple times that the United Kingdom is working on cryptocurrency regulations and has no intentions to leave it in a legal gray area.
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Cavendish主席Lisa Gordon表示,英国应取消股票购买税,并将其转而对加密货币购买征税,以此来刺激经济增长。
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Bitpanda 的副首席执行官 Lukas Enzersdorfer-Konrad 表示,Bitpanda 在英国的加密货币服务将与欧盟的服务保持一致。
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前部长约翰-贝克(John Baker)在专注于比特币的 Axiom 公司担任顾问,但有条件确保公平治理。
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据报道,亿万富翁投资者克里斯蒂安-安格迈尔(Christian Angermayer)已经离开英国,前往瑞士的比特币中心卢加诺,理由是英国计划提高离岸财富税。
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至少有一位行业领袖表示,尽管政府换届,英国的加密货币政策仍将 "一切照旧"。
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当局的怀疑是基于 Wen 生活方式的改变。据报道,2017 年,她搬到了伦敦北部一栋拥有六间卧室的豪宅。
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由于加密货币交易和加密货币衍生品销售的零售禁令,实物 ETP 将只面向专业和机构投资者。
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英国 FCA 一直在结合不同的方法来监管加密货币市场,看看哪种方法最有效。
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据报道,该电信公司正在寻求 18 亿美元的贷款,同时计划筹集总额 29 亿美元的债务。
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根据英国财政部的一份报告,加密货币公司、财富管理公司以及零售和批发银行业仍然 "特别容易 "受到金融犯罪的影响。
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加入国家犯罪署的理想人选将是一名经过认证的金融调查员 (AFI) 的现有警务人员。