China News

China is considered to be one of the most important players in the cryptocurrency market. The decisions of the Chinese government affect the entire industry, but cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin are in a precarious position in terms of regulations. Chinese cryptocurrency laws are pretty strict. Financial institutions are banned from using Bitcoin for trading and ICOs are also illegal to conduct in China. Chinese Bitcoin exchanges were suggested to stop operations within the domestic market, until licenses would be established for them. In January 2018, the People’s Bank of China, its top financial authority, suggested that Bitcoin mining should be gradually suspended on miners through the influence of local authorities. Chinese media presents cryptocurrencies as a tool for criminals and a money-laundering device, creating a negative informational background that may have indications on the future of the Chinese Bitcoin ban.
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香港数码港 (Cyberport) 斥资 1.25 亿美元扩大人工智能和 Web3 研究,推动区块链发展并加强人工智能人才培养计划。
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ASPIRe 五大支柱战略旨在解决流动性分散、监管套利和市场波动问题,同时促进区块链创新。
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由于贸易紧张局势和货币政策担忧打压投资者情绪,美国比特币ETF在两周内出现了 11.4亿美元的资金流出,这是自推出以来最大的流出。
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Bybit首席执行官周本 (Ben Zhou) 要求 Pi Network 回应一份中国的报告以证明其合法性,该报告将该项目称为针对老年人的“骗局”。
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美国参议院任命前 Cantor Fitzgerald 首席执行官兼加密货币倡导者 Howard Lutnik 为唐纳德·特朗普总统的商务部长。
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据报道,六名男子在芝加哥持枪绑架了一家三口和一名保姆,将他们囚禁了五天,并要求受害者支付 1500 万美元的加密货币。
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分析师向 Cointelegraph 表示,贸易战担忧以及传统市场的波动,使比特币短期内面临回调至 9 万美元以下的风险。
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中国人工智能模型 DeepSeek 的崛起震撼了全球市场,加密货币市场 24 小时清算额达 8.64 亿美元。
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现在在华为手机上使用中国 CBDC 支付无需下载或调出应用程序。