链上侦探 ZachXBT 以及一个白帽黑客组织的成员 Nick Bax 均声称,Lazarus Group 利用加密货币交易平台 eXch 清洗了从 Bybit 黑客攻击事件中盗取的 3500 万美元资金。
Social Media News
The social media definition is a computer-mediated communication system developed for sharing information, ideas, interests and other forms of expression in virtual communities. Social media apps are currently the most popular services on application markets, which target nearly every smartphone user. Social media marketing is now one of the most popular promotion techniques, allowing ads to target potential customers in avoidance of disinterested people. Social networks are connecting people around certain points of contact, which are identified by advertising systems. Social media platforms are expanding their functionality by implementing e-commerce, shopping and other features. Building social media with a blockchain may become a next step in social media, which will reduce unauthorized access to the personal information of users, get rid of censorship and make a trusted-transaction system within the network.
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以太坊基金会正在寻找一位社交媒体经理,负责在 X 等社交媒体平台上分享以太坊生态系统的最新进展和重要动态。
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这一传言是在 X 首席执行官琳达-雅卡里诺(Linda Yaccarino)证实社交媒体平台将于 2025 年推出 X Money 两天后传出的。
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在埃隆-马斯克拒绝指定法定代表人后,巴西暂停了本国公民使用 X 的消息传出后,加密货币社区做出了负面反应。
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对 86,565 个与元数据技术相关的社交媒体帖子进行的审查显示,只有 14% 的帖子存在负面情绪。
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新功能为任何拥有cb.id用户名、.eth域名或Lens ID的人提供端到端加密的私人信息。
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- 分析
社交媒体已经成为一只野性的、桀骜不驯的野兽。如果我们能夺回所有权呢?Aave和Lens Protocol给出了答案。
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Gordon Goner 在收到来自 Twitter 的内部人员将帮助绕过社交媒体帐户安全的“可靠信息”后警告可能会受到攻击。
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