ICO News
The definition of an ICO is an unregulated method of fundraising to support a new project via cryptocurrency. An Initial Coin Offering is used by startups to avoid the strict and over-regulated capital-raising process required by venture capitalists or banks. In an ICO campaign, a percentage of the cryptocurrency is sold to enthusiasts of the project in return for governmental means of payment or other cryptocurrencies, often Bitcoin.
ICOs shares features of both IPOs and crowdfunding. Like IPOs, a stake of the startup or company is sold to raise money for the entity’s operations during an ICO operation. However, while IPOs deal with investors, ICOs deal with supporters, just like a crowdfunding campaign the only difference is that the backers of the ICO project are motivated by a future return of their investments, while the funds raised during crowdfunding are just gratuitous contributions.
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ARK Invest 首席执行官凯西-伍德(Cathie Wood)表示,她不会购买特朗普币,称其为没有实用性的memecoin。她的重点仍然是比特币、以太坊和索拉纳币。
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Bitcoin Dogs 的历史性 ICO(比特币区块链上的首次此类发行)继续升温。在不到十天的时间里,预售已突破 340 万美元。
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美国SEC委员Caroline Crenshaw呼吁构建一座“桥梁”,让加密公司与美国SEC合作确定合规计划,而不是为加密公司提供安全港。
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在面临多项刑事指控的同时,这位反病毒软件巨头McAfee的创始人John McAfee仍被囚禁在西班牙。
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美国证券交易委员会指控三名个人,他们通过Steven Seagal支持的bitcoin2gen ICO诈骗投资者数百万美元。
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