Bitfinex News

Bitfinex was founded in Hong Kong in 2012. Since then, it has become one of the largest platforms for cryptocurrency trading. The system is available in three languages: English, Chinese and Russian. To understand Bitfinex more fully, it is worth noting what the platform offers its customers. From its side, the exchange supports almost every form of input-output. There are handy trading and analytical tools that are easy to use. There are applications for both IOS and Android. However, the system also has some inconveniences. To secure the account and verify it as a real one, it is necessary to provide proof of a credit card and home address, with all of the document details provided already translated into English. Also, the only way to replenish an account without fees is just through Bitcoin.
The latest Bitfinex news concerns its announcement in August 2017 of exiting the American market because of the harsh legislation and regulatory environment.
- 市场分析
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Bitfinex 的分析师表示,比特币的走势正与传统市场相似,其价格缺乏上涨动力,这已导致加密货币市场进入了一段 “收缩期”。
- 市场分析
分析师推测,在 Bitfinex 平台上的比特币多头头寸飙升至 51 亿美元后,比特币的牛市行情已准备好重启。他们会判断错吗?
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美国当局于 2022 年逮捕了伊利亚-利希滕斯坦(Ilya Lichtenstein)和他的妻子希瑟-摩根(Heather Morgan),罪名是为与 Bitfinex 交易所有关的比特币洗钱。
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数字资产平台 Bitfinex Securities 表示,由于未能吸引到继续运营所需的 50 万美元最低资金,该公司将向其在萨尔瓦多国际机场的希尔顿酒店项目的投资者退款。
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比特币生态系统录得持续的高日收盘价,大量比特币从加密货币交易所流出,并流入比特币 ETF 现货市场。
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在指控与 Tether-Bitfinex 有关的欺诈和洗钱行为一年多之后,《日报》现已从文章中删除了对克里斯托弗-哈伯恩及其业务的任何提及。
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灰度比特币信托 ETF 的资金外流极大地影响了比特币近期的市场价格走势。
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“我很清楚,很多人都清楚我知道这是一个坏主意,”Tether 和 Bitfinex 首席技术官 Paolo Ardoino 说。
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法官下令对Ilya Lichtenstein进行审前拘留,称他有逃跑的动机和资源,可能会造成逃跑风险。
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根据Bitfinex的数据,Honey Framework的用户增加了两倍多。纸上交易使他们能够在不拿实际资本冒险的情况下测试他们的交易策略。
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