US Government News
The US government is a system of public administration in the USA that was established with the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. In terms of Bitcoin, the US government shows its interest in blockchain technology and its development. However, the US government’s view on Bitcoin still remains unclear as the regulation of digital currency hasn’t been created yet and now cryptocurrency is considered simply to be a digital asset rather than an official means of payment. The main concern of authorities is not the use of virtual money, but the possibility of avoiding taxes, money laundering and supporting terrorism as the effective, but traditional ways to prevent all of this doesn’t work with cryptocurrencies as well as it does with fiat currencies.
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“不管他们向我们征收多少(关税),我们都会向他们征收同样的(关税)。这样一切就会很好地解决,” 唐纳德・特朗普总统在签署该命令后对记者说道。
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据报道,唐纳德·特朗普总统计划任命 a16z 加密部门政策负责人布莱恩·昆滕兹(Brian Quintenz)为下一任商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席。
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CFTC 代理主席 Caroline Pham 称该试点计划是新兴数字资产领域的“突破性举措”
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Bitwise 高管兼分析师杰夫・帕克(Jeff Park)在社交媒体上写道:“这无疑是我今年最坚信的宏观交易。”
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伊利诺伊州的 HB1844 法案提议建立一个由州政府管理的比特币储备,在允许转换或销售之前强制规定五年的持有期。
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Vivek Ramaswamy 在 X 平台上发文表示,他将离开政府效率部门(DOGE),并且“相信埃隆及团队将成功地简化政府运作。”
- 市场新闻
- 市场分析
美国政府持有约 185 亿美元的比特币,可能会在唐纳德·特朗普总统就职前将其全部出售。
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Tether 和 Circle 等超额抵押稳定币发行商,加起来是美国政府债务的全球第 18 大买家。
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尽管自 1913 年以来,美元已贬值超过 90%,但作为一种价值储藏手段,它仍在所有其他法定货币中占据主导地位。
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