Gemini News

Gemini is a cryptocurrency exchange located in the U.S. The Winklevoss brothers launched Gemini in 2015 and Gemini is currently a trust company that is regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The Gemini exchange platform is considered to be the world’s first licensed Ether exchange and one of the most secure, as it works with individual investors and investments’ funds in accordance with the law. The website is available only in English, as the platform was aimed to work with developed countries. Therefore, there are currently only six countries have access to all the options of the Gemini trading platform. Gemini has Ethereum and Bitcoin available, so there are just three currency pairs. There is no fee for deposits or withdrawals.
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“让我们明确一件事。加里-根斯勒是个恶魔,"泰勒-温克艾沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)在一则关于证交会主席辞职传闻的详细帖子中说道。
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代表 Gemini Trust 的律师向破产法庭提交了一份对数字货币集团计划的回应,声称将向无担保债权人提供 "70-90% 的回收"。
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在重新上市后,XRP 在双子座加密货币交易所一直剧烈波动。
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在一封公开信中,卡梅隆-温克艾沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)抨击DCG的巴里-西尔伯特(Barry Silbert)打受害者牌的同时,拖欠Gemini公司23.2万名理财客户12亿美元不还。
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Novogratz表示,Digital Currency Group持续的财务困境不太可能对加密货币价格造成进一步的压力。
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由于对Digital Currency Group流动性的担忧,灰度的ETH、LTC和BCH信托正处于大幅折价。
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FINRA首席执行官Robert Cook说:“任何被加密平台解雇的人,如果想为美国金融业监管局工作,请给我打电话。”
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