dYdX 基金会首席执行官查尔斯・多西预测,去中心化金融将在 9 月开始蓬勃发展,并且将为新用户提供比以往任何时候都更多的切入点。
Event News
An event is a ceremony, convention or artistic performance that gathers people interested in the topic, which becomes the reason of those activities. Events are widely used as a marketing tool, a way to bring together experienced and established specialists to cooperate around solving complex troubles and for entertainment purposes. Some important types of blockchain events are hackathons, scientific conferences, and cryptocurrency talks. Bitcoin events are one of the main cryptocurrency meetings, formalizing public opinion on cryptocurrency and publishing expert’s views on Bitcoin investments, trading schemes and new protocols. Fintech events are also important, proposing new options of implementing blockchain and other perspective technologies into business management models, accounting and distribution.
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Sui 基金会总经理 Christian Thompson 认为,随着人工智能代理与区块链的融合,以及机器人技术、增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)的不断发展,行业将迎来巨大机遇。
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- 采访
Emurgo 全球业务发展主管 Amarpreet Singh 告诉 Cointelegraph,所有道路都通向互操作性。
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Aptos 联合创始人艾利-程(Avery Ching)在印度区块链周(India Blockchain Week)上表示,区块链可以帮助控制人工智能用于训练的内容。
- 采访
RAK DAO 首席商务官 Luc Froehlich 告诉 Cointelegraph,监管需要明确性,而强制执行的监管方式会驱赶人才。
- 采访
ysten Labs 首席信息安全官克里斯蒂安-汤普森(Christian Thompson)告诉 Cointelegraph,游戏是技术专家探索 Web3.0 的乐园。
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Visa 高管 Akshay Chopra 透露,该公司与加密货币交易所的合作促进了数十亿美元的支付量。
- 活动
Bitcoin Suisse首席执行官强调了“瑞士品质”和“加密行业安全托管”的重要性。
- 活动
Pantera首席执行官Dan Morehead在新加坡Token2049大会的主题演讲中为更广泛的加密货币领域描绘了一个乐观的前景。
- Event Recap
- 活动
在今年迄今为止最大的区块链活动的第一天,CZ、Nicolas Cary、Ken Timsit和许多其他重要人物登台演讲。
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