在一封公开信中,卡梅隆-温克艾沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)抨击DCG的巴里-西尔伯特(Barry Silbert)打受害者牌的同时,拖欠Gemini公司23.2万名理财客户12亿美元不还。
Barry Silbert News
Barry Silbert is the founder and CEO of Digital Currency Group, a venture capital firm that focuses on the cryptocurrency market and the blockchain technology industry. Barry Silbert started investing in Bitcoin startups in 2013 as a venture capitalist and provided funding for such companies as BitPay, Coinbase and Ripple. Barry is also the creator of Bitcoin Investment Trust, which is a private, open-ended trust, that enables investors to profit from the price jumps of Bitcoin without the having to worry about buying and storing Bitcoins. Prior to founding Digital Currency Group, Silbert established Secondmarket Holdings, Inc., and worked as its Chief Executive Officer. Barry is also famous for his publications about trading illiquid assets in such journals as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Fortune and Forbes.