美国参议院任命前 Cantor Fitzgerald 首席执行官兼加密货币倡导者 Howard Lutnik 为唐纳德·特朗普总统的商务部长。
Taxes News
It is hard to define cryptocurrency taxes, because there is a lot of controversy surrounding it today. Society still has no consensus even on whether digital currencies are a property or a currency, and that triggers a huge difference in taxation procedure. The speed of exchange rate flows makes it impossible to establish a taxation time period equally suitable for everyone. Also, there are a lot of cryptocurrencies that were particularly designed to protect user’s anonymity and their protocols wouldn’t allow any government to tax it.
As cryptocurrency market is growing, and its sheer dollar value makes it more likely to catch an attention of regulators. Cryptocurrencies are also a great way of money laundering, so no government will be able to ignore the subject. Today there are a lot of news about new cryptocurrency taxes laws and it looks like there will be more over time.
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日本金融厅表示,这一行动并不是要 “关闭加密货币投资”,而是要为不合规的交易所 “划清界限”。
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泰国前总理他信-西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)敦促采用稳定币和在线赌博合法化,以促进泰国的收入和创新。
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最终法规将 DeFi 前端视为经纪人,要求披露数字资产销售的总收益。
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德克萨斯州一名比特币投资者因未报告 400 多万美元的加密货币收益而面临两年监禁,开创了一个法律先例。
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总理表示,捷克居民不必报告每年低于 4200 美元的加密货币交易,也不必为出售持有三年以上的数字资产纳税。
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据报道,亿万富翁投资者克里斯蒂安-安格迈尔(Christian Angermayer)已经离开英国,前往瑞士的比特币中心卢加诺,理由是英国计划提高离岸财富税。
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2022 年 8 月,迈克尔-赛勒面临逃税指控。据报道,此后他达成了哥伦比亚特区历史上最大的所得税欺诈和解协议。
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印度尼西亚商品期货交易监管局敦促重新评估该国对加密货币交易征收的 0.1% 资本收益税和 0.11% 增值税。
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美国参议院金融服务委员会的立法者们在 7 月份宣布,他们将在 9 月 8 日之前接受有关如何对虚拟货币征税的建议。