瑞士国有银行 PostFinance,服务覆盖约270万客户,宣布将允许用户从0.1个以太坊起进行质押。
Switzerland News
Switzerland, officially the Swiss Federation, is a federal republic situated in central-western Europe. The Swiss economy is considered to be the one of the most stable in the world. The average income per capita is quite a bit higher compared with the world’s average. Progressive legislation, relatively low taxation, a developed bank infrastructure and secrecy have made Switzerland secure and attractive not only for international investors, but also for setting up businesses related to cryptocurrencies. Switzerland is one of the first countries to have shown a positive attitude toward Bitcoin. In Switzerland, cryptocurrency regulation provides decent conditions and support for investments, ICOs and developments.
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据报道,亿万富翁投资者克里斯蒂安-安格迈尔(Christian Angermayer)已经离开英国,前往瑞士的比特币中心卢加诺,理由是英国计划提高离岸财富税。
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香港的加密货币就绪度(CRS)为 8.36,位居榜首,而美国的 CRS 分数则下降了 6.5%,从 2022 年的 7.7 降至 7.25,跌至第三位。
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Bitcoin Suisse首席执行官强调了“瑞士品质”和“加密行业安全托管”的重要性。
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“Joseph Lubin是两家公司的大股东。该交易损害了 CAG 的小股东利益,并有利于Joseph Lubin个人,”该组织称。
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Compass Financial Technologies 首席执行官 Guillaume Le Fur 表示:“在指数创建中纳入基本指标为投资者提供了基于理性经济指标配置最有效的 DeFi 代币的可能性。”
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瑞士银行保密法保护Credit Suisse不必披露是否是银行犯罪活动,这与区块链技术提供的透明度相去甚远。
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SEBA Bank首席执行官Guido Buehler表示:“黄金在资本市场中扮演着重要角色。它的市值超过11万亿美元,为投资者提供了可靠的通胀对冲工具,和经济动荡情况下的价值储存手段。”
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该基金将跟踪SIX Swiss Exchange管理的产品Crypto Market Index 10的表现。
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SEBA Bank将集中精力建立一个机构级设施来投资加密资产。
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Chedi Andermatt酒店有123间客房和套房,旺季时每晚的价格低至1300法郎,约为0.03 BTC或0.45 ETH。