在猜测该零售商正在考虑在其资产负债表中添加加密货币后,基于 GameStop Solana 的非官方迷因币也出现了大幅上涨。
Stocks News
Stock, or a capital stock, is the number of all shares issued by a corporation. Cryptocurrency startups and innovative blockchain technology projects are becoming more and more popular among potential investors, as they are very prospective from both the technical and financial sides. Currently, a lot of Bitcoin-related companies offer stocks in order to raise money for future development. Besides cryptocurrency stocks, some companies from various fields active in blockchain technology implementation divide their capital into shares in order to have the possibility of gaining more money. For these investments, there are many websites with blockchain technology stock lists for future investors or there are also blockchain penny stocks for small companies that offer relatively low prices for shares.
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谷歌 CEO 桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)表示,预计公司将在 2025 年投入约 750 亿美元用于资本支出,其中大部分将用于 AI 项目。
- 市场分析
2025 年,比特币开局强劲,但在比特币价格能够冲击新高之前,一系列新因素还需要时间凝聚。
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- 市场分析
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微策略公司的迈克尔-赛勒(Michael Saylor)已经连续五个周日发布了相同的比特币图表,而且每次微策略公司都会在第二天确认购买了新的比特币。
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最近一次收购完成后,Boyaa Interactive 的比特币储量从 9 月底的 2,635 枚增加到 3,183 枚。
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ARK 投资公司(ARK Invest)在经历了漫长的抛售期后,又开始买入 Coinbase 股票。8 月 5 日,ARK 以 540 万美元将 28632 股加密交易所股票收入囊中。
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此次特殊目的收购公司 (SPAC)交易,在2022年8月被首次报道,耗资8.85亿美元,预计将使投资者接触到Bitcoin Depot的普通股。
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