在区块链分析平台 Lookonchain 报告称 Bybit 在 2 月 22 日至 23 日期间购买了价值 7.42 亿美元的以太币后不久,该声明便发布了。
North Korea News
North Korea, officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is an East Asian country on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea’s population is over 25 million people, 1.21 million of which are active-duty soldiers. North Korea is under the rule of its leader Kim Jong-un, who is considered to have the most human rights violations in the contemporary world. North Korean laws made its economy heavily nationalized, which even led to a refusal of a taxation system. North Korean Bitcoin policies are yet to be officially established as their nationalized economy, closed borders, anti-human mobility laws and censorship of the internet all make it extremely hard for North Koreans to have some use for Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies, as a money without central authority and high anonymity, violate North Korean laws that were not established specially for blockchain-based technologies, but previous laws crafted for other purposes.
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朝鲜网络犯罪集团可能是最近在 Solana 上发生的部分迷因币攻击的幕后黑手。
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TRM 实验室估计,仅在 2023 年,朝鲜黑客就窃取了 2 亿美元的加密货币。
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前以太坊开发商维吉尔格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)在纽约法院就朝鲜制裁案辩称无罪。
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以太坊基金会研究员维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)以100万美元的保证金被释放,条件是他不能进入加州。
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朝鲜黑客组织Lazarus Group通过其首个macOS恶意软件对一家名称未知的交易所发起攻击。