迈克尔-赛勒(Michael Saylor)、莱亚-海尔伯恩(Layah Heilpern)和 "消失的加密女孩"(Girl Gone Crypto)虚拟货币社区人士对澳大利亚女演员玛格特-罗比对比特币的看法很感兴趣。
Movie News
A movie is a type of visual communication that is a series of pictures shown on a screen, creating the illusion of moving images. The movie industry produced black-and-white movies, silent movies, 3D movies, but color films with accompanying audio are currently the most popular type of movies. Movies are cultural artifacts and greatly influential media, covering nearly all types of themes, approaches and purposes of production. The cryptocurrency industry has also been reflected in movies and has caused the production of movies about Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Bitcoin movies are on Netflix, in movie theatres and on cable TV. Bitcoin movies are mostly done in the documentary genre and tell about the first crypto enthusiasts, Bitcoin millionaires and blockchain-related shifts in the fintech world. Bitcoin movies are a great tool for widening cryptocurrency usage and blockchain education of mass consumers.
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AMC Theatres首席执行官Adam Aron透露,其iOS和安卓移动应用程序可以通过与比特币支付服务提供商BitPay集成来接受加密支付。
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“华尔街之狼”原型Jordan Belfort发誓他“不会离开”NFT领域,《经济学人》通过NFT拍卖为慈善机构筹集了42.2万美元,而WWE也将发行NFT。
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AMC首席执行官Adam Aron表示,这家影院巨头将寻求在2021年底前支持狗狗币支付电影票,而房地产代币化平台RedSwan也将接受DOGE。
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Larva Labs与美国联合人才经纪公司(UTA)签署了CryptoPunks、Meebits和Authorglyphs的代理协议后,该公司基于区块链创建的IP将被推向好莱坞。
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Coin Cloud特别选择斯派克·李来执导这则加密广告,因为他有探索社会方面的经验,该公司指出,他们希望用该广告活动“引发重要对话”。
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据报道,这部电影将主要讲述Ross Ulbricht被捕事件,Ross Ulbricht是丝绸之路暗网市场的创始人。
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