France News
France, officially the French Republic, is a transcontinental state which has territories on several continents. The country is developed and takes one of the leading roles in industrial production. In terms of total economic volume, France is second after Germany in European Union and is the sixth in the world. In terms of cryptocurrency in France, the news is all about reducing taxes on virtual currencies. In France, the government has shown a position of support and the next step is going to be the creation of legal regulations to protect investors and users and to gain benefits for their national economy. Currently, a lot of participation in the cryptocurrency market in France relies on the policy of the president.
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言论自由倡导者和加密货币社区成员对 Durov 案在更大范围内的意义表示担忧。
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自 2022 年金融市场管理局(AMF)将 Bybit 列入黑名单以来,Bybit 一直与该监管机构存在分歧。
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审慎监管与解决机构(Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution)结束了关于 DeFi 监管的磋商。
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法兰西银行第一副行长称央行数字货币是 "改善跨境支付的催化剂"。
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据报道,法国银行行长François Villeroy de Galhau表示,最近的加密市场波动对全球监管机构来说是一个“警钟”。
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从Ghost Recon Breakpoint开始,育碧将于周四在Tezos区块链上向PC玩家提供NFT。
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Francois Villeroy de Galhau说:“欧洲需要尽快采取行动,否则我们的货币主权将面临被侵蚀的风险。”
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拥有120年历史的法国零售公司Groupe Casino将推出一种与欧元挂钩的稳定币。
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