Bybit 为成功从 Lazarus Group 手中追回加密货币的白帽黑客提供高达被盗资金 10% 的赏金。
Cybersecurity News
Cybersecurity is a term that sums up a number of activities, procedures and technologies that are used to maintain the protection of computer systems, private data that is stored in digital form, along with hardware and software. There are a lot of various measures that fit in cybersecurity’s definition. Cybersecurity measures include firewalls, cryptography, intrusion detection systems, special design with additional protection and other ways of security control. Cybersecurity companies provide services for both business and domestic use in different forms and approaches. Cybersecurity became an international field of study relatively recently. Cybersecurity certificates are earned by specialists who were taught in universities and various training courses to show proof of their qualifications. The recent outburst of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies gave a large boost to the development of cybersecurity.
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HashKey 声称自己与证监会名单上的可疑链接没有任何关系。
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谷歌、微软、亚马逊和 IBM 是目前研究和开发量子计算机技术的几家最大公司。
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9 月 27 日,一个以 “e57 ”结尾的钱包遭受了一次复杂的网络钓鱼攻击。这次攻击耗尽了该钱包中的 12,083 枚 Spark Wrapped Ethereum 代币(spWETH),价值 3,200 万美元。
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声名狼藉的加密网络钓鱼应用程序 Angel Drainer 带着被称为 “AngelX ”的新系统卷土重来,它比以前更容易使用,也更隐蔽。
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攻击者利用了未验证的 calldata,导致 608 ETH 被盗。
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加密货币交易所团队于 2 月 18 日确认了这次攻击,这是在 X(前 Twitter)上出现首批报道几小时后。
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这些资金是从 600 多次大规模黑客攻击中追回的。
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网络安全认证平台 CER 表示,绝大多数钱包都没有聘请外部专家进行渗透测试。
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