美国官员已查封价值 3100 万美元的加密货币,这些资金与 2021 年 Uranium Finance 黑客攻击事件有关。Uranium Finance曾是一个在 BNB Chain 上运营的 DeFi 平台,现已停止运营。
Assets News
An asset is any kind of economic resource that can be owned or controlled to produce value. A company’s assets are often recorded on a balance sheet, where the monetary value of an asset is set by an accountant. Assets are widely classified into two major groups – tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets include vehicles, equipment, real estate, currencies and others. Intangible assets are patents, franchises, trade names, etc. The general interpretation also defines digital assets, software and other computer-based assets as intangible. Some blockchain-based digital assets are called smart assets – cryptocurrency tokens that represent the ownership of some real-world, tangible or intangible asset and are exchanged under the rules of the smart contracts of blockchain it’s based on. Blockchain assets are getting more attention because of their protection from being changed after being recorded in the network.
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蒙大拿州众议院以 41 票对 59 票否决了一项法案,该法案原本可能使该州建立比特币储备。
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Robinhood 创下 9.16 亿美元的净收入,超出行业预期,主要得益于加密货币收入同比增长 700%,推动股价在盘后交易中上涨 17%。
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Maelstrom 公司的亚瑟-海耶斯(Arthur Hayes)说,建立比特币或加密货币的国家储备将使政府持有的任何加密货币变成一种 “政治武器”。
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该法案于 7 月 19 日生效,但其中并未包含执行《虚拟资产用户保护法》的细节。
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这个项目将看到 MAS 通过建立代币化债券和存款的流动性池来探索批发融资市场中的 DeFi 应用。
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过去一周,Tether (USDT)平均每天的资金流出为11亿美元,Terra崩溃的影响仍在继续。
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