虚拟货币用户报告称,在双子座加密货币交易所(Gemini crypto exchange)将瑞波币XRP(XRP)重新挂牌在其平台上进行存款和交易数小时后,他们在该交易所看到了 "古怪 "的价格。

8月11日,X(推特)上的几位加密货币社区成员发布了一些截图,许多人将其描述为 "价格故障",XRP在该交易所的显示价格多次升至1美元以上,有一次甚至飙升至50美元。

然而,根据加密货币追踪网站 CoinGecko 的数据,XRP 目前的市场价格为 0.63 美元。

However, some observers suggest it may be the result of a thin order book and low liquidity, given the recent listing. One onlooker, in particular, said they saw someone place a sell order at $50, adding that someone may have accidentally "fat-fingered" a market order at that price:

还有人开玩笑地评论说,这只是对 XRP 价格未来走向的预测。



“We are currently performing maintenance on the Gemini platform and so all services are currently unavailable. All customers assets and funds remain secure. We will provide updates here once we have more information to share.”


Gemini已于8月10日上午10:45(UTC时间)关闭了加密货币存取款功能。来源:Gemini 双子座


此前,美国地区法院法官安娜莉萨-托雷斯(Analisa Torres)在瑞波公司起诉美国证券交易委员会一案中裁定,在交易所出售的XRP不是一种证券

Cointelegraph 联系了 Gemini 征求意见,但没有立即收到回复。