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Adoption News
The cryptocurrency adoption rate is hard to research because of the private nature of cryptocurrencies. Still, there are some things that can be established about what may be slowing down cryptocurrency adoption. As a lot of blockchain platforms have stated, cryptocurrency awareness and education are not yet high enough to lead more people into the industry. Some people don’t even know what cryptocurrencies are, some lack the information about what it may be used for and some see no benefits of it at all. But people well-educated in cryptocurrency do have their own doubts about it, as cryptocurrencies have shown a lack of stability. Cryptocurrency investments and its use as a payment tool is associated with risks. There are also some government events that slow down cryptocurrency adoption, with governmental restrictions on the use of cryptocurrency for businesses and financial institutes.
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根据泰达币(Tether)的数据,波场(Tron)曾是转账泰达币(USDt)成本最低的区块链网络,但在 2024 年末,其泰达币的 Gas 费用飙升至 9 美元以上。
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Swan Bitcoin 的 John Haar 表示,如果 GameStop 将其 46 亿美元现金用于购买比特币,并承诺继续增持,将对市场产生巨大冲击。
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纽约证券交易所高增长板(NYSE Arca)已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了一项提案,申请在证券交易所上市并交易灰度卡尔达诺信托(Grayscale Cardano Trust)的份额。
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在遭遇由拉撒路集团(Lazarus Group)发起的 14 亿美元黑客攻击后,Bybit 迅速偿还了Bitget 的 4 万个 ETH 贷款,确保了提款的顺利进行。
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由于贸易紧张局势和货币政策担忧打压投资者情绪,美国比特币ETF在两周内出现了 11.4亿美元的资金流出,这是自推出以来最大的流出。
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Bybit 近 3 亿美元的以太坊购入举措或许会推动以太坊迎来潜在的上涨行情,使其突破 3000 美元这一心理价位。
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以太坊基金会正在寻找一位社交媒体经理,负责在 X 等社交媒体平台上分享以太坊生态系统的最新进展和重要动态。
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dYdX 基金会首席执行官查尔斯・多西预测,去中心化金融将在 9 月开始蓬勃发展,并且将为新用户提供比以往任何时候都更多的切入点。
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2024 年,稳定币的年化交易额将超过 15.6 万亿美元,占 Visa 的 119%,万事达卡(Mastercard) 的 200%。
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Sui 基金会总经理 Christian Thompson 认为,随着人工智能代理与区块链的融合,以及机器人技术、增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)的不断发展,行业将迎来巨大机遇。