据《海湾时报》报道,阿联酋中央银行行长Khaled Mohamed Balama表示,数字迪拉姆可以帮助打击金融犯罪并提高金融稳定性。
Adoption News
The cryptocurrency adoption rate is hard to research because of the private nature of cryptocurrencies. Still, there are some things that can be established about what may be slowing down cryptocurrency adoption. As a lot of blockchain platforms have stated, cryptocurrency awareness and education are not yet high enough to lead more people into the industry. Some people don’t even know what cryptocurrencies are, some lack the information about what it may be used for and some see no benefits of it at all. But people well-educated in cryptocurrency do have their own doubts about it, as cryptocurrencies have shown a lack of stability. Cryptocurrency investments and its use as a payment tool is associated with risks. There are also some government events that slow down cryptocurrency adoption, with governmental restrictions on the use of cryptocurrency for businesses and financial institutes.
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