Wallet News
A cryptocurrency wallet is a type of software, hardware or service that allows a user to store private and public keys that are used for exchanging cryptocurrency for various goods and services, including other cryptocurrencies. Personal crypto wallets are popular, as they have more protection than wallets that are offered by cryptocurrency exchanges. Some blockchain projects make their own e-wallets. For example, The Ethereum project has its own crypto wallet that is also used as a gateway to the Ethereum blockchain and to DApps. Some cryptocurrencies haven’t published their own wallets and are stored on the wallets made by third parties. Those projects are mostly open-source and that allows users to make their own wallets. For example, Ripple and Bitcoin wallets are made by third parties. Hardware wallets are the most robust way of storing cryptocurrency, as they are immune to the majority of malware that steal crypto from software wallets.
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詹姆斯-豪厄尔斯(James Howells)在纽波特市议会阻止了他的垃圾填埋场挖掘请求后,继续为 4.95 亿英镑(约合 6.47 亿美元)的赔偿金打官司。
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"骗子被骗了"--臭名昭著的加密货币流失工具包刚刚因钱包中毒攻击损失了 10 个 ETH。
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据报道,该电信公司正在寻求 18 亿美元的贷款,同时计划筹集总额 29 亿美元的债务。
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据报道,截至发稿时,这家钱包制造商约有 734 名员工,这意味着约有 88 人可能失去了工作。
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网络安全认证平台 CER 表示,绝大多数钱包都没有聘请外部专家进行渗透测试。
- Spotlight
《金蛋奇境》玩家可以用游戏中的彩蛋 NFT 兑换实物金蛋。
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这家零售公司过去主要以实体零售店而闻名,但现在也推出了一个 NFT 市场和即将取消的加密货币钱包系列。
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新功能为任何拥有cb.id用户名、.eth域名或Lens ID的人提供端到端加密的私人信息。
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以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin表示,创新的空间仍然很大。