Vitalik Buterin News

Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian famous for founding both Ethereum and Coin-Magazine. Vitalik learned about Bitcoin at the age of 17 in 2011, and was fascinated by the idea. Soon, he started working on Bitcoin improvement and came up with an idea of a scripting language for application development on the Bitcoin platform.
Although he got no positive reaction, Buterin continued to advance his concepts and soon he wrote Ethereum – a public, open-sourced Blockchain-based platform featuring smart contracts. The system went live on July 30, 2015.
After the collapse of “The Dao,” Ethereum was divided into two Blockchains - Ethereum Classic works on the original Blockchain, and Ethereum is based on the new Blockchain.
Today, Vitalik Buterin’s quotations are highly significant in cryptocurrency media and he is considered to be among the most influential people in the world, according to Forbes and Fortune magazines.
- 观点
- 新闻
- 新闻
Buterin 表示,遏制危险的超智能 AI 的最后手段可能是限制全球计算能力一到两年,以“减缓”其发展。
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以太坊联合创始人维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)回应了从 ETH 销售中获利的指控,强调了他对 Web3 项目和慈善机构的长期支持。
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- 活动
以太坊联合创始人维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)和约瑟夫-卢宾(Joseph Lubin)回顾了以太坊创建十年后的网络状况。
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布特林回应了一篇关于伊基-阿扎莉亚(Iggy Azalea)的 MOTHER 代币可能引领名人加密货币潮流,实现可持续价值创造的帖子。
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其他联合创始人约瑟夫-卢宾(Joseph Lubin)和其他行业专家强调了维塔利克-布特林在以太坊未来中的作用,强调了他对以太坊的持续影响和贡献。
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这位以太坊联合创始人宣称,加密货币社区有权将 "通货膨胀 "重新定义为货币供应量的增加,挑战传统的经济定义并消除错误信息。
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以太坊联合创始人维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)分享了他对人工智能帮助识别以太坊代码库潜在缺陷的热情。
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- 新年特辑
从Vitalik Buterin到埃隆·马斯克,2022年的这些推文让我们回顾了这一年的一些行动。
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以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin表示,创新的空间仍然很大。