Tokens News
A token is a unit of value that is released by an organization and based on a blockchain, acting as an alternative for tasks when a cryptocurrency is unable to be used. Tokens exist digitally as a distributed record in the register of a blockchain. To understand tokens better, it is important to realize that they are to attract investors in an initial coin offering or ICO. While new Bitcoins are made through mining, new tokens are made by an individual or entity that already has Bitcoins or other kinds of digital money. Everyone can invest in a start-up with a guarantee of getting a share of the income from transactions. So here, tokens work as stock but does not give its owner managing rights in the company. Inside an application, tokens function as an internal currency for buying products and services and they facilitate the investment of fiat money into the cryptocurrency-related projects. Here they perform as debentures with a guarantee of profit in a fixed period of time.
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- 观点
DeFi 需要从通货膨胀的代币排放转向可持续的收益模式,以建立持久价值并实现主流应用。
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Pump.fun新推出的DEX PumpSwap在3月24日录得超100万美元的日手续费,使其总收入达到210万美元。
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开发以太坊(ETH)二层网络Immutable X的加密游戏公司表示,已收到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)下发的调查结案通知,但通知中未说明终止调查的具体原因。
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- 如何加密
- 概括
虽然 Metaverse 可能已经消亡,但连接现实世界和数字世界的虚拟社交体验可以让它起死回生。
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- 新闻
Bybit首席执行官周本 (Ben Zhou) 要求 Pi Network 回应一份中国的报告以证明其合法性,该报告将该项目称为针对老年人的“骗局”。
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该平台将为在 Trivago 上使用加密货币进行的预订提供比特币(BTC)和艾娃币(AVA)奖励。
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DappRadar 发现,2024年 NFT 市场的交易和销售量创下自2020年以来的最低点,二者在2024年均下降了近20%。
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英国金融行为监管局称,“Retardio ”未获得在该国提供金融服务的授权。
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首席执行官表示,财务储备计划将在未来为 Travala 提供额外的财务资源。
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随着现货交易和衍生品交易的强劲增长,Bybit 和 Bin 等交易所将继续在促进这一活动方面发挥关键作用。
- 突发新闻
加密货币市场下跌 17%,市值跌至 1.76 万亿美元,BTC 的主导地位达到 58%。