Hyperliquid 上的 JELLY 代币崩溃是今年黑客攻击事件频发的一年中最新的 DeFi 漏洞。
Security News

One of the most common questions pertain to the security of cryptocurrencies and if they are more secure than ordinary money. Cryptocurrency security is often promised to be pretty strong, but news about cryptocurrency security indicate quite the opposite. Thefts are executed in a lot of different ways. All the largest thefts happened after cryptocurrency exchanges are hacked, including famous cases like Mt. Gox, with $350 million of Bitcoin stolen, and the Coincheck hack, with $400 million of NEM tokens stolen. Cryptocurrency security is also vulnerable within its own blockchain, the best example of which happened with The Dao event that led to the theft of $50 million ETH. Thefts can also happen in more traditional ways, such as getting access to a user’s private wallet key, physically forcing user to send funds to some account or using different fraud schemes that make users lose their money.
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- 新闻
特朗普媒体(Trump Media)已与加密货币交易所Crypto.com达成一项非约束性协议,计划推出一系列包含数字资产和证券的ETF。
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- 新闻
这位首席执行官表示,SEC撤销了对瑞波实验室(Ripple Labs)长达数年的诉讼,这标志着加密货币领域开启了一个“新篇章”。
- 如何加密
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- Report
Cointelegraph Research 探讨了 Elastos 如何利用比特币的安全性,通过无信任跨链解决方案支持去中心化金融。
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- 新闻
硬件钱包提供商Ledger向Trezor展示了其能够绕过Trezor Safe 3和5型号的安全检查,这一发现促使Trezor迅速修复了这一漏洞。
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Bybit 的黑客仅用 10 天就将被盗资金洗了钱,但安全机构表示,通过区块链追踪,部分资产仍有可能追回。
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Coinbase 股东郭文多起诉该加密货币交易所及其高管涉嫌违反证券法。
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Coinbase 表示,法官的意见“缩小了本案的调查范围”,并补充道,“我们期待在法庭上为剩余的诉讼辩护”。
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安全研究人员称,该漏洞可能被用来让整个 Dogecoin 网络崩溃。