2024 年,稳定币的年化交易额将超过 15.6 万亿美元,占 Visa 的 119%,万事达卡(Mastercard) 的 200%。
Payments News

Bitcoin, as any other type of money, is able to act as a means of payment. Bitcoin payments are supposed to be fast, secure and private, but there are some complications. Since every Bitcoin transaction must be recorded in the blockchain, the growing amount of strain on the network has resulted in transactions taking nearly four days to complete. As miners are paid with the fees from recording transactions, larger fees could help speed up your transaction, but this makes it unreasonable to pay with Bitcoin for small purchases, which are always the majority of transactions. These problems resulted in a hard fork and the establishment of Bitcoin cash, which is much faster and cheaper for payments. Other cryptocurrencies were made as an alternative for Bitcoin payments, by storing them in public blockchains or by getting rid of established mining pools, possibly resulting in the ability to double-spend a Bitcoin, if a successful 51% attack is performed.
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比特币二层闪电网络背后的公司闪电实验室(Lightning Labs),正利用 Taproot Assets 协议来集成泰达(Tether)的 USDT 稳定币。
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Tether USDt 是去年用户在 Brighty 上储蓄最多的货币,占所有加密货币储蓄量的 85%。
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这一传言是在 X 首席执行官琳达-雅卡里诺(Linda Yaccarino)证实社交媒体平台将于 2025 年推出 X Money 两天后传出的。
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本周的 Crypto Biz 介绍了 MicroStrategy 的比特币战略、Coinbase 和 Kaiko 最近的收购、MARA 的第三季度收益以及 MoonPay 的新法币网关。
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韩国财政部长崔相木(Choi Sang-Mok)表示,韩国将引入跨境加密货币交易报告授权,以打击外汇犯罪。
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包括联合创始人 彼得·泰尔和埃隆·马斯克在内的“PayPal黑手党”抨击了该支付平台的“极权主义”debanking政策。
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Vitalik Buterin说:“我认为,这是一个被遗忘的愿景,我认为它被遗忘的原因之一基本上是因为它的价格超出了市场。”