Digital Asset News
A digital asset is anything — from videos to funds — that exist in binary form and includes the right to be used. Digital assets’ definition includes such things as applications, data, media and more. Digital asset management has started to be established as one of the most important and profitable service jobs. A digital asset manager is a job closely related to media content services, such as working with brand management, archiving, production management and streaming. The growing value and quantity of digital assets has led to the establishment of such companies as Digital Asset Research — a company targeted on cryptocurrency analysis — and Digital Asset Holdings — a fintech company that builds blockchain solutions for regulated financial institutions and other interested enterprises. Digital assets are considered to be the future of financial, informational and technological development.
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此前,美国货币监理署(US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)已停止对声誉风险的审查。
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SWIFT 表示,通过即将在 2025 年开展的数字货币试验,SWIFT 在连接分散的数字资产领域具有得天独厚的优势。
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该法案于 7 月 19 日生效,但其中并未包含执行《虚拟资产用户保护法》的细节。
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内华达州的商业监管机构对虚拟货币托管机构Prime Trust发出了立即停业和禁止商业活动的命令,称其存在“客户资金短缺”的问题。
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ARK Invest首席执行官表示,市场的不确定性需要一个机会来利用颠覆性创新,而这种创新在历来“在动荡时期获得了份额”。
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CoinShares研究负责人James Butterfill表示,尽管“合并的确定性有所提高”,但还是出现了资金外流。
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