Charles Hoskinson News
Charles Hoskinson is a cryptocurrency enthusiast and entrepreneur. Besides this Charles Hoskinson is IOHK’s (aka Input Output) CEO. IOHK is a global engineering and technology company, providing financial services via the use of innovative peer-to-peer (p2p) networks for people who don’t have access to traditional banking. In addition, Charles Hoskinson’s bio also includes working as the CEO of the Ethereum Network from 2013 to 2014 and working as a director of the Bitcoin Education Project since 2013. Charles Hoskinson Cardano news is all about the partnership of IOHK and the Cardano platform/cryptocurrency. This could result in IOHK projects, developed and served Cardano, continuing until 2020. IOHK, it should be noted, also works with Ethereum Classic. Charles Hoskinson’s net worth is about $500-600 million and he is rated as one of the richest people in the crypto community.
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- 新闻
Cardano 创始人查尔斯-霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)表示,谈到美国的加密货币政策,“我们必须这样做,而且必须完成它”。
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Cardano创始人Charles Hoskinson认为,与以太坊和其他权益证明网络相比,比特币网络的速度太慢了。
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币安首席执行官赵长鹏和以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin认为,基于区块链的投票应用程序将大大改善当前的投票系统。
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这种固有的权力分离完全符合Charles Hoskinson的设想。
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- 发布新闻
2020年6月4日,Cointelegraph中文线上脱口秀系列栏目Focus第四期邀请到了Cardano项目的创始人Charles Hoskinson,围绕“五年沉淀,Cardano如何超越以太坊”的话题,展开了深入的讨论。
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Charles Hoskinson对V神(Vitalik Buterin)未能就Cardano展开有意义的讨论感到惋惜,在他看来,这伤害了以太坊。
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