Banks News

A bank is a financial organization that generates revenue by charging interest on lent capital, transaction fees and giving financial advice. The banking sphere is subject to strict governmental regulations, as it is one of the most significant agents in the financial system. Commercial banks are involved in a wide variety of activities, from personal banking and consumer finance to foreign exchange and money market trading. The World Bank is an organization with the aim of reducing poverty and helping underdeveloped countries with economic development. The World Bank Group includes five organizations, with one of them being International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is often confusingly referred to as the World Bank. Modern times have reduced the barriers of global competition of banks all over the world and has made the banking sphere more and more globalized.
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Custodia 银行表示,它与 Vantage 银行合作,将美元活期存款代币化,并在以太坊上发行。
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此前,美国货币监理署(US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)已停止对声誉风险的审查。
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一家专注于中央银行的智库所做的一项调查发现,倾向于发行央行数字货币的中央银行数量不到五分之一,而 2022 年这一比例为 38%。
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由于监管环境的变化,这家金融服务巨头还在考虑将加密货币纳入其交易平台 E-Trade。
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瑞士国有银行 PostFinance,服务覆盖约270万客户,宣布将允许用户从0.1个以太坊起进行质押。
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Solana ETF 的申请,在 1 月 20 日当选总统唐纳德・特朗普就职几天后,即将迎来 1 月底前初步决定的截止日期。
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在机构兴趣日益浓厚的时期,意大利联合圣保罗银行(Intesa Sanpaolo)购买了价值超过 100 万美元的比特币,成为意大利第一家进行比特币投资的银行。
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俄罗斯央行行长阿莱什·米歇尔(alessi Michl)最近表示,他正在考虑投资比特币,作为该行多元化战略的一部分。
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