ATM News

ATM (automated teller machine) is an electronic device that is used by financial services to provide various operations for their customers. The most commonly used ATM transactions are cash deposits and withdrawals, transferring funds and obtaining account information. Some current ATMs are also capable of performing such operations as selling train and lottery tickets, offering an opportunity for charitable donations and retailing concert tickets. The outburst of the popularity of cryptocurrency has also influenced ATMs and led to the development of cryptocurrency ATMs. The most popular of them is, of course, Bitcoin ATMs that allow people to exchange Bitcoin for cash, but one can also find Litecoin and Ethereum ATMs. However, crypto ATMs are not an ATM in the traditional sense, as it is not connected to a bank account, but to the Bitcoin exchange itself.
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3月初,美国减少了 1233 台加密货币 ATM 机,就在几天前,一名参议员提出了一项遏制该领域业欺诈行为的法案。
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四人因涉嫌盗窃价值 5 万美元的交易卡、枪支、车钥匙以及六台加密货币 ATM 而被逮捕。
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波兰超过萨尔瓦多,成为全球第五大比特币自动取款机中心,在四个月的安装热潮中,有 219 台机器投入使用。
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2024 年到目前为止,加密货币自动取款机已安装 2564 台,有望超过 2023 年拆除的 2861 台。
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香港的加密货币就绪度(CRS)为 8.36,位居榜首,而美国的 CRS 分数则下降了 6.5%,从 2022 年的 7.7 降至 7.25,跌至第三位。
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此次特殊目的收购公司 (SPAC)交易,在2022年8月被首次报道,耗资8.85亿美元,预计将使投资者接触到Bitcoin Depot的普通股。
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2022 年前两个月,全球安装了 1,817 台加密货币 ATM。去年在同一时间窗口安装了 2,435 台加密货币 ATM。
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