Tim Draper News
Tim Draper is a pioneer of business ventures in the USA and a co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) Venture Company, which has a leading position in terms of venture investments in technological companies that are in the early stages of development. Currently, venture capitalist Tim Draper is actively investing into cryptocurrency and he is one of the primary investors in the Tezos project, which has attracted a record $232 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Tim Draper’s attitude toward Bitcoin has become popular due to his positivity, remaining unchanged even after the conflict with Tezos team members and the blocking of all assets of the company. According to Tim Draper, cryptocurrency represents freedom and is superior to the traditional financial system.
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著名的加密货币和科技投资者Tim Draper认为,女性的零售购买力,再加上商店对比特币的接受程度不断提高,可能会将比特币推向25万美元以上的新高。
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著名的投资者Tim Draper认为Netflix是最有可能将比特币纳入资产负债表的大公司之一。
- Unitize
区块链投资者Tim Draper欢迎多元化投资区块链和加密初创公司。
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亿万富翁风险投资家蒂姆•德雷珀(Tim Draper)披露了投资印度加密货币初创公司的计划。
- 新年特辑
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并非每个亿万富翁每天吵着要求释放犯人,但是Tim Draper已经为此呼吁两次了。
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亿万富翁投资者Marc Lasry坚持其早前预测,比特币将在接下来几年达到4万美元价格高点。
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风险投资专家、比特币爱好者Tim Draper表示,区块链可以让人们更容易地从效率低下的政府中解脱出来。