Texas News
Texas is a state in the south of the USA. Texas is second in the country in terms of both territory and population. The state is a center for agriculture, oil and gas production, education and finance, so it has a strong economy and Texas’ GDP is usually compared with the GDP of Russia. In terms of Bitcoin in Texas, it is allowed to be used and the state is frequently a location for various cryptocurrency-related projects and conferences, such as the Texas Blockchain Conference. Besides that, the state is the place of origin of the North Texas Blockchain Alliance. which is an organization aimed to provide support for developing blockchain technologies and organization for related events in the North Texas region.
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这家支付公司表示,加上这两个美国州,其在不同司法管辖区持有的牌照数量已超 50 个。
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德克萨斯州一名比特币投资者因未报告 400 多万美元的加密货币收益而面临两年监禁,开创了一个法律先例。
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美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)向对加密货币友好的德克萨斯联合银行(United Texas Bank)下达了停止令,理由是该银行的风险管理系统及其与加密货币客户的交易存在 “重大缺陷”。
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虽然法官里德-奥康纳(Reed O'Connor)批准了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)延期回应康森西公司的诉讼,但他也批准了康森西公司提出的审理此案案情的时间表。
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上周来自不同媒体的报道也表明,在加密市场动荡的情况下,Celsius Network失去了主要的支持者,并聘请了新的律师。
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这笔交易似乎是休斯敦火箭队老板Tilman Fertitta更大举措的一部分。Fertitta还是一家餐饮集团的董事长兼首席执行官,该集团最近推出了一项比特币奖励计划。
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甲骨文(Oracle)、特斯拉(Tesla)、惠普(Hewlett Packard)和现在的Blockcap等科技公司都在迁往奥斯汀,因此很多人将奥斯汀称为“硅山”。
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德克萨斯州前国会议员Ron Paul向推特用户发起一项调查,他们希望在10年内长期持有哪一项资产,半数受访者希望持有比特币。