现金应用在 2023 年第四季度创造了 6600 万美元的比特币毛利润,同比增长 90%。
Square News
Square, Inc. is a financial services and mobile payment company founded in 2009 by Twitter developers Jack Dorsey and Jim McKelvey and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Square has various products for businesses and individuals. The most noticeable of them are Square Cash and Square Point of Sale (Square POS). The Square Cash app is a mobile payment service application that has recorded 7 million active users in February 2018. Square Cash enables fiat transactions to bank accounts and debit cards. Square Cash also offers Bitcoin purchases and transfer to other users. Square POS is an application for inventory management and business analytics. Square is available in Canada, Australia, the U.K., the U.S. and Japan. It has a strong financial performance and rates of growth, gradually expanding and acquiring new businesses.
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“这就像发送现金一样简单,你不需要拥有股票或比特币就可以赠送,”Cash App表示,并允许低至1美元的转账。
- 突发新闻
Jack Dorsey说:“Block是一个新名称,但我们的经济赋权目的没有改变。无论我们如何增长或改变,我们都将继续构建工具,帮助增加经济机会。”
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Afterpay执行副总裁Lee Hatton表示,将有足够的消费者需求来推动该公司提供加密服务。
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虽然目前这一消息是非官方消息,但推特产品负责人Kayvon Beykpour暗示可能很快就会宣布。
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Square的毛利润比去年同期增长了90%以上,其中5.46亿美元来自Cash App的比特币服务。
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Jack Dorsey概述了建立一个开放式开发者平台的计划,该平台将专注于创建比特币DeFi服务。
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Jay-Z和Jack Dorsey强调了智能合约和NFT可以为艺术家带来的好处。
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Square和方舟投资(Ark Invest)认为,比特币矿工可以作为最后的电力买家,提高可再生能源行业的效率。
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