美国参议院任命前 Cantor Fitzgerald 首席执行官兼加密货币倡导者 Howard Lutnik 为唐纳德·特朗普总统的商务部长。
Politics News
Politics is an activity of public authorities and administrations that is aimed at making decisions and resolving issues related to the functioning of a human community, particularly a state. Politics is divided between domestic and foreign policies, the latter of which is responsible for activities and relations with other states while, at the same time, preserving its national interests. World news concerning politics has important role in every country and, thereby, in the life of its citizens. As the use of cryptocurrency has spread globally, with governments having different opinions and, therefore, affecting international relations, many are trying to find ways to regulate it. Any news concerning world politics and cryptocurrencies has become popular in communities worldwide.
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由众议员本·基思利(Ben Keathley)提出的《第1217号法案》旨在为密苏里州建立比特币储备基金,并要求州政府接受加密货币支付。
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Maelstrom 公司的亚瑟-海耶斯(Arthur Hayes)说,建立比特币或加密货币的国家储备将使政府持有的任何加密货币变成一种 “政治武器”。
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泰国前总理他信-西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)敦促采用稳定币和在线赌博合法化,以促进泰国的收入和创新。
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劳伦斯-萨默斯抨击了当选总统唐纳德-特朗普的比特币储备计划,但也认为 “加密货币已经被过度监管”。
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杰夫-帕克(Jeff Park)说,“合并arb式的概率数学 ”可能意味着特朗普获胜后,比特币将涨至92,000美元。
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10x Research 创始人马库斯-蒂伦(Markus Thielen)认为,特朗普当选总统将给根斯勒和他作为美国证券交易委员会(SEC)负责人的角色带来灾难。
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切斯-奥利弗(Chase Oliver)提议的竞选伙伴有一个强烈的反 CBDC 平台,但这位 38 岁的自由党提名人似乎在很大程度上对加密货币保持沉默。
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汤姆-埃默(Tom Emmer)一直在 "打电话",以确保获得议长一职的提名。
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FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried表示,他将投资“超过1亿美元”,“软上限”为10亿美元,并补充说,“谁知道从现在到那时会发生什么。”