印度尼西亚商品期货交易监管局敦促重新评估该国对加密货币交易征收的 0.1% 资本收益税和 0.11% 增值税。
Indonesia News
Indonesia, or officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a state in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world by population and it is one of the most perspective countries for economic development. In terms of cryptocurrency, Indonesia’s central bank announced that cryptocurrency was illegal in 2017 and, after that, there were meetings conducted with the aim of creating regulations of the cryptocurrency market. Currently, Indonesia’s Bitcoin market is less than one percent of the global cryptocurrency market. There are two Indonesian Bitcoin exchange platforms. However, they sell Bitcoin only at a fixed price. Nevertheless, Indonesian authorities have recently claimed a neutral position about cryptocurrency in Indonesia.
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区块链情报平台 TRM Labs 显示,Tron 网络上的 USDT 是亚洲各地 ISIS 附属机构交易的主要选择。
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最新的 1.13 亿美元注资将用于扩展平台的现有产品,例如引入新功能和增加对区块链的支持。
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币安已与印尼国有电信公司PT Telkom Indonesia达成合作,将在该国建立一个数字资产交易所。
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Al Hilal Bank现已通过区块链技术完成全球“首笔sukuk交易” 。
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尽管印尼监管环境恶劣,但Pundi X还是在印尼部署加密货币POS终端设备。