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Electricity News
Electricity is the physical flow of electrons. This flow is an energy carrier and is used to deliver energy for electrically-powered devices and establishments. Electricity is a major problem for the cryptocurrency industry. Blockchain electricity consumption values vary due to the algorithm used for establishing consensus. Proof-of-work cryptocurrencies demand a lot of power to operate. As a major PoW cryptocurrency, Bitcoin electricity usage is estimated around the value equal to that of Ireland. Bitcoin mining electricity is the most consuming part of the cost. Blockchain electricity consumption is also an environmental problem, as the growing amount of power demand may lead to climate change. Fixing the problem of large electricity requirements is a field of work for many tech companies. The most used technology for reducing energy demand is a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm that changes the way mining is performed.
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澳大利亚区块链能源公司Power Ledger购买了一个250千瓦的光伏系统,该系统将使用基于区块链的数据管理和结算系统。
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加拿大区块链和加密货币公司DMG Blockchain Solutions为其位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的85兆瓦加密货币挖矿设施提供了电力供应。
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DMG Blockchain已经开始安装一个85兆瓦特的变电站,用于一个旗舰的加密货币挖矿设施
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星际迷航的演员William Shatner踏入加密货币领域,为美国太阳能加密货币挖矿设施代言
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