YouGov 最近的一项民调显示,在定于 5 月举行的联邦选举中,约有 200 万澳大利亚选民可能会形成支持加密货币的投票群体。
Election News
An election is a type of formal decision-making process made by a population to choose an individual to hold public office. Elections are a crucial part of a democracy and for building strong governmental institutions. In countries with free and uncompromised elections, candidates need to perform at the top of their capabilities to gain enough votes to take the position they want or to stay in the position that that have already been holding for another term. However, elections results are often compromised by political powers that are in charge during the election. Current state of technology provides an opportunity to eliminate risks of malicious intervention into the voting process by performing elections using blockchain. Blockchain technology elections will record all the votes into a public blockchain with no possibility to change them afterwards.
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在特朗普承诺解雇根斯勒之际,Coinbase 首席法务官保罗-格鲁瓦尔(Paul Grewal)敦促美国证券交易委员会促进加密货币创新,而不是诉讼。
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M2 货币供应量是衡量一个主权国家目前在全球流通的法定货币总量的经济指标。
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2024 年美国大选将于 11 月 5 日举行,数字资产政策成为亲加密货币选民日益关注的问题。
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在特朗普可能获胜的刺激下,比特币衍生品市场正在为比特币在 2024 年底前突破 80,000 美元的潜在涨势做准备。
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根据 Coinbase 的一项新研究,加密货币选民是多样化的、热情的,并准备在即将到来的美国总统大选中影响主要的战场州。
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保守的哨兵行动基金(Sentinel Action Fund)支持四位支持加密货币的美国参议员候选人。
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据报道,唐纳德-特朗普在这次活动中宣布了他要成为 "加密货币总统 "的目标,并在活动中筹集了 1200 万美元。
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切斯-奥利弗(Chase Oliver)提议的竞选伙伴有一个强烈的反 CBDC 平台,但这位 38 岁的自由党提名人似乎在很大程度上对加密货币保持沉默。
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FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried表示,他将投资“超过1亿美元”,“软上限”为10亿美元,并补充说,“谁知道从现在到那时会发生什么。”
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Cynthia Lummis于2013年首次购买了比特币。
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