联邦调查局声称,他们通过追踪暗网毒品市场上的加密货币到据称以林瑞祥名义开设的加密货币交易所账户,找到了 Incognito Market 的所谓所有者林瑞祥。
Dark Web News
The dark web is a part of the World Wide Web that exists on parts of the internet that demands special configurations, software or authorization to become available for the user. The dark web is a small part of the deep web, which is all internet-accessible content that is not indexed by standard search engines. The dark web is mostly used by anonymous entities who can also host darknet websites without the disclosure of their identity. The dark web is a place for both legal and illegal content like drugs, special books, guns, pornography, information from whistleblowers and more. The dark web and Bitcoin have a strong relationship, as Bitcoin is often used on the dark web. The dark web is suitable for anonymous payments as most purchases are intended to be hidden. Most sites on the darknet allow users to buy and sell goods with Bitcoin. The Silk Road — one of the most famous sites on the darknet — specialized in purchasing drugs with Bitcoin.
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Crystal Blockchain Analytics公布的数据显示,通过暗网转移的比特币价值有所增加,尽管比特币的数量有所减少。
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FBI调查员Kyle Armstrong表示当局正在处理130起加密货币相关案例,黑市网络毒品交易成为关注重点。