Samson Mow、Charlie Lee、Wei Zhou和Kain Warwick是上周结束的Monochrome A轮融资的主要贡献者。
Charlie Lee News
Charlie Lee is the creator of Litecoin, who also worked as the Director of Engineering for Coinbase. Charlie Lee was born in Ivory Coast and later moved to the United States, where he received a master’s degree in computer science from MIT. Charlie Lee has worked for numerous tech companies, including Google. Charlie Lee came across Bitcoin and blockchain technology in 2011 and became quickly became fascinated with this idea. Still, he saw that Bitcoin had its flaws and none of the altcoins really managed to offer something different and new. Therefore, he went to work making a better cryptocurrency and came out with Litecoin – a cryptocurrency with faster transactions, a larger maximum supply and a scrypt-based hashing protocol that was fast enough to become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market. After creating Litecoin, Charlie worked at Coinbase as the Director of Engineering, but has now returned to full-time work at Litecoin.
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来自加密行业不同领域的投资者参与了Valkyrie的A轮融资,包括莱特币创始人Charlie Lee。
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区块链初创公司Zulu Republic通过消息应用Telegram发送文本命令推出了莱特币交易选项。
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莱特币创始人Charlie Lee表示,莱特币基金会近期收购的WEG银行股权可能有助于该银行提供加密货币服务。
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莱特币创始人Charlie Lee认为近期Bithumb被黑客攻击的事件不会影响比特币基本面,就像抢银行不应影响黄金价格一样。