Auction News
An auction is public trade of different kinds of goods and assets. An auction is organized with rules set in advanced that can differ from auction to auction. Nevertheless, one common thing for every event like this is competition between potential buyers in order to find the winner of the auction. Competition is necessary, as initially the price for the displayed product is lower than its market price. As well as other things, cryptocurrency can be sold in an auction and BTC auctions are popular, as almost everybody can afford to buy them there. Usually, it is Bitcoin that had been confiscated from criminals and sold in a police or FBI Bitcoin auction. In 2016, there began a daily Gemini auction of Bitcoin for dollars, which the exchange platform launched.
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“华尔街之狼”原型Jordan Belfort发誓他“不会离开”NFT领域,《经济学人》通过NFT拍卖为慈善机构筹集了42.2万美元,而WWE也将发行NFT。
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Polkadot创始人Gavin Wood在该网络的平行链拍卖开始前几周宣布了一个超过7.7亿美元的发展基金。
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阿富汗妇女组织Women for Afghan Women的美国国家主任Naheed Samadi Bahram说:“这一代人在成长过程中充满希望,他们通过教育机会梦想着自己的未来。”
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推特上的人们指责 Pranksy 对 CryptoPunk NFT 的清洗交易,杜嘉班纳正在向“经批准的竞标者”拍卖奢侈 NFT,而 FTX 充斥着垃圾邮件。
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美国司法部的联邦执法机构美国执法人员署(United States Marshals Service)将拍卖4040枚比特币。